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Report European AVI meeting 2017 in the UK. AVI Scandinavia Klint Report 2016. Auroville wants to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity.
Auroville Centre for Urban Research. 1 Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But to live in Auroville, one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness. 2 Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages. The City the Earth Needs.
The Galaxy Concept of the City. Matrimandir - Soul of the City. Greetings from Auroville, the City of Dawn. Auroville was inaugurated on February 28th, 1968, in the presence of 5000 people. Youth representing 124 Nations participated in the inauguration of Auroville. To build an ideal society, an ideal city. The chosen land was a barren plateau. The landscape is now a lush green forest. At present, Auroville is a growing community of 2700 people from 50 nations.
Un endroit où, libérés de tous les esclavages du passé, les êtres humains pourront se consacrer totalement à la découverte et à la mise en pratique de la Conscience divine qui veut se manifester;.
Auroville Youth Education, Research and Training. Restoration of Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest. Buddha Garden Volunteer and Student Program. AVI UK also helps to support the work of Auroville by raising funds. AVI UK publishes a newsletter. Of AVI UK are often invited to give lectures by universities and organizations having similar interests. And an invitation to meetings.
Eva pour la communion des civilisations. Dernière parution sur ce blog, et toutes les informations utiles. Ce blog vient dêtre transféré contre ma volonté, dénaturé par over-blog. Même sur over-blog, nous sommes déjà en dictature! Et avec Valls, ce sera pire encore! Blogs Eklablog de eva R-sistons. Lactualité, choix deva R-sistons. Eva pour la communion des civilisations. Les coups de coeur deva R-sistons. Le Blog de Chantal Dupille.
Why am I here? January 20, 2012. To the islands i go.
a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about. Originally posted on my Full Frontal Fashion blog. With two girlfriends from college was just the answer. We spent our first night drinking mojitos and dancing to cover bands in Kuta.
Auroville Foundation
Auronet Auroville
Web Office Town Hall
Auroville, Tamil Nadu, 605101
Nabízí optimální péči o Vaši pokožku. Začněte nový den s přírodním mýdlem v bio kvalitě. Auroville dají Vaší pleti nový život. Auroville jsou ručně vyráběna v Indii, kde mají tyto mýdla skutečnou tradici. Jsou vyráběna na přírodní bázi za použití pouze organických složek, bez chemických přísad v přirozené bio kvalitě! Pravidelným používáním přírodního mýdla Auroville bude vaše pleť přirozeně jemná a zvláčněná.
Auroville Centre for Urban Research. 1 Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But to live in Auroville, one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness. 2 Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages. The City the Earth Needs.
The Galaxy Concept of the City. Matrimandir - Soul of the City. Greetings from Auroville, the City of Dawn. Auroville was inaugurated on February 28th, 1968, in the presence of 5000 people. Youth representing 124 Nations participated in the inauguration of Auroville. To build an ideal society, an ideal city. The chosen land was a barren plateau. The landscape is now a lush green forest. At present, Auroville is a growing community of 2700 people from 50 nations.